Captain Quail is getting SO. CAFFEINATED.

Captain Quail 113 - Coffee Companions 2 (Sept. 5, 2014)

I feel like I could do an almost endless supply of strips dealing with Captain Quail and the local hipster coffee shop, but there are two things that prevent me from doing so. 1) That would basically make us Questionable Content, but with birds. 2) I think that wouldn't bee too interesting for the reader. Feel free to prove me wrong in the comments. In any case, this is going to be the last coffee-related strip for a little while. 

It should (probably) come as no surprise to our readers that Allison and I are fans of Penny Arcade. They have gone through some patches over the years that have made us grimace, but we still read the comic consistently. They've been incredibly on form recently (he says, worried that they'll spoil their streak of excellence as this is posted), and the text post that accompanied Wednesday's comic was of particular interest to me. Penny Arcade has been around long enough that you can mark time across years by its schedule. They have release comics on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for eons in Internet-time. They are rock-reliable. Thinking about that kind of longevity makes me glad we've kept to our schedule, and I hope we can continue to do so for years. It would be really neat to look back at The Adventures of Captain Quail and know what year it was by what the comic was about.

Speaking of things that are neat, let's talk about this week's Webcomic O' the Week! The comic this week is Battle Dog, and the best immediate thing I can say is that I continually laughed out loud while reading this comic. If you were to create a fantasy epic composed of equal parts Sailor Moon and Adventure Time, with some Scott Pilgrim sprinkled to taste, you would end up with something very close to Battle Dog. It's simultaneously one of the funniest and best-drawn comics I've read. The story follows Wyra, Princess of the Star Kingdom, as she tries to take down the dreaded necromancer with her trusty sidekick, Battle Dog. That sentence, plus the fact that the comic opens with talking bandit horses and a plethora of horse puns, tells you pretty much what you need to know about Battle Dog. I hope that sounds as amazing to you as it does to us. Go. Read. It.



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