Does Skuak's terminal remind anyone else of a viewmaster?

Captain Quail 14 - Enemies (Sept. 13, 2013)

Its not all bird baths and free seeds in the world of Captain Gabriel Quail. There are enemies that seek to destroy the Avian Federation, who believe in the conquest of all other winged peoples. The Raptor Empire is one such enemy, and Captain Quail knew, justĀ knew he would have to face them sooner or later.

This is the beginning of what will actually be a pretty decent story arc in the Adventures of Captain Quail, and we're just as excited to see where it goes as I hope you are. Since we're just starting out in the world of possibility that surrounds this comic, we haven't quite decided how we're going to subdivide the what we have into logical groupings. Chapters? Seasons? By year? Its not a super important question right now, but we think it would be nice to organize the entire set of comics into chunks that are more digestible.

Speaking of reorganization, I'm super excited to announce the beta of the new home for The Adventures of Captain Quail: This new site (which is still in beta but getting better all the time) has been built from the ground-up for this comic, but hopefully built in such a way that adding more comics will be easy. By building it ourselves, we get full control over what we can do with it, and hopefully provide some awesome experiences to our readers.

Please play around with it, and let us know of any problems or suggestions for feedback you might. We're always available at our twitter and facebook pages (see above the comic), and we're hoping to add better reader feedback soon. The new site isn't quite as up-to-date with comics as this current site, but it may be by the time you read this. (Definitely check out my current personal favorite new feature, the All Comics View, where you can see all the comics on one page to help you catch up quickly.)

Hopefully we'll be moving over to the new site permanently soon, stay tuned!


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