It's never lupus.

Captain Quail 85 - Modern Medicine (May 20, 2014)

I'm trying something new for wirting these posts, a tool called Earnest. It builds on the idea that the best writing comes about when we turn off our internal editor, so Earnest doesn't let you edit at all - no backspaces, so deleting. So far I'm very frustrated with the experience, but it is kind of freeing, only being able to go forward. Let me know if my writing is noticaebly better or worse. (I will be editing before this gets posted. My typing-spelling is atrocious)

Big Wow is now over! Hopefully some of you saw us there. It was a pretty great con, and I think we're very happy we went. Since it was only the second con Captain Quail has presented at, its hard not to draw comparisons to KrakenCon. Overall, I would say that the variety and size of Big Wow make it a con not to be missed in the Bay Area, especially if you prefer comics to anime. But I think the fans were slightly more engaged at KrakenCon. This may be a scale problem, of course. Big Wow was expecting 10000 over this last weekend, and with that many people the average concentration of fanaticism isn’t going to be as high. My primary data point here is that pretty much no one at Kraken Con refused the mini prints we always give away at our booth, but we had trouble getting people to take them at Big Wow. This may be a reflection on us, but it was certainly a different experience.

I'm making a bit of a mess of talking about this, but ithe whole experience is still settling in my head. Currently, we have no cons scheduled until October, and by the time that comes around I'll probably have more cogent things to say.

I will say a huge thank you to our special guests on the panel we gave, and everyone who came to see us. It was a great opportunity to meet people we normally wouldn't, especially our booth-neighbors. Meeting other creators is a big draw for us going, and in that respect Big Wow came up aces.

Our recorded panel is going to be up sometime soon, hopefully, as well as the comic that Allison drew live during the panel. Until then, enjoy today's comic, and we'll see you Friday.



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